Beernut Rewards

Are You a Beernut?
Beerfoot offers over 100 selections of beer to satisfy your cravings, and when you select to be a BeerNut you pledge to be a part of a select community opting to enjoy each of these varieties. How does being rewarded for your beer obsession sound?
When you become a BeerNut, you’re not only first informed of monthly Beerfoot events, but you qualify to earn points on EVERY beer you drink!
To become a Beer Nut, pay $25 and fill out your information online. Information must include: Name, DOB, Address, Email, & Phone Number. In return you gain benefits of being a BeerNut, a BeerFoot T-Shirt, and a magnetic card to keep track of your points.
Once you have a card, register it on this page!
When you become a BeerNut you become eligible to earn points on every beer you drink! Simply hand the bartender your Beer Nut card at check out to collect 1 pt. (2pts on Fridays!) on every dollar spent! Once you’ve earned 250 points, you will be eligible for a $25 gift card!